Federal COVID-19 Testing Data Is Getting Better
The federal government improved its state and county-level COVID-19 PCR testing data since we analyzed it in February. Here’s an update on those changes and what we hope to see next for the data.

How Not to Interpret COVID-19 Data
Beware of dating schemes, data dumps, weather events and other issues that can lead to mistakes that confuse the public.

Federal COVID Data 101: What We Know About Race and Ethnicity Data
Publicly available federal race and ethnicity COVID-19 data is currently usable and improving, although it shares many of the problems we’ve found in state-reported data.

Federal COVID Data in a Single Stream
We’ve created a bit of code that helps combine federal testing, case, deaths, and hospitalization data into a single spreadsheet.

Federal COVID Data 101: How to Find Data
Here’s where and how you can find COVID-19 data now that The COVID Tracking Project has ended.

Federal COVID Data 101: Working with Testing Data
At least three different federal agencies share testing data for SARS-CoV-2 in at least four different places. Here’s a little about where that data comes from, what each dataset has to offer, and how you can use the datasets best in light of their large differences from state-provided data.

Federal COVID Data 101: Working with CMS Nursing Home Data
Here’s what we know about the only federal dataset on COVID-19 outcomes in long-term care facilities.
Where to Find Simple COVID-19 Data for the US
As The COVID Tracking Project approaches its final day of data compilation on March 7, 2021, we are recommending a selection of federal data sources to people who want a quick and easy way to keep an eye on the pandemic.

Federal COVID Data 101: Working with Death Numbers
The CDC provides two different datasets regarding COVID-19 fatalities. Here’s a walkthrough of how they compare to each other and to The COVID Tracking Project’s data.

Federal COVID Data 101: Working with Case Data
Here’s a walkthrough of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) daily case dataset and what you should know about it.

Federal COVID Data 101: Working with Hospitalization Numbers
Here’s a walkthrough of the Department of Health and Human Services’ dataset and what you should know about it.

Learn More About Using Federal COVID-19 Data with The COVID Tracking Project
In February and March, we’ll hold a series of free trainings to help anyone who uses our data to understand existing federal numbers.