One Million Cases in Seven Days: This Week in COVID-19 Data, Nov 19
Weekly cases grew 26 percent and nearly 80,000 people in the United States are hospitalized with COVID-19. That’s one-third higher than the nation’s previous record.
Cases Race Past Previous Highs: This Week in Long-Term Care COVID-19 Data, Nov 17
With COVID-19 cases surging across the country, long-term care facilities experienced their largest increase in six months. The LTC case surge is concentrated in the Midwest, mirroring the pattern of the US pandemic as a whole.
A Nationwide Case Surge Hits US Hospitals: This Week in COVID-19 Data, Nov 12
One in 378 US residents tested positive for COVID-19 this week, and hospitalizations have nearly doubled in the past two weeks. The United States is posting new records for cases and hospitalizations nearly every day, and healthcare systems are reaching capacity in many areas where cases have spiked.
Ultralight Recommendations for a National Pandemic Dashboard
The announcement of a forthcoming national pandemic dashboard is heartening news for COVID-19 data folks all over the country. We have a few modest suggestions for the team that will undertake this work.
The Third Wave of COVID-19 Deaths in Long-Term Care Facilities is Here: This Week in Long-Term Care COVID-19 Data, November 11
In October, eight percent of long-term care facility residents diagnosed with COVID-19 died. The rising cases of the past few weeks are resulting in the highest number of deaths in months as states and facilities fail to protect these most vulnerable Americans.
COVID-19 Hospitalizations Have Hit an All-Time High
More people are now in the hospital with COVID-19 than ever before, and the per-capita hospitalization rates in the Midwest have now surpassed those of the South in the summer’s Sunbelt surge. Hospitals across the country are warning of staff and PPE shortages, and case rates continue to spike in every US region.