Federal COVID Data 101: Working with Testing Data
At least three different federal agencies share testing data for SARS-CoV-2 in at least four different places. Here’s a little about where that data comes from, what each dataset has to offer, and how you can use the datasets best in light of their large differences from state-provided data.
Our Final Week: This Week in COVID-19 Data, Mar 4
Tests are up, while cases, hospitalizations, and deaths continue their declines. We are at a crucial moment in the pandemic, with vaccinations ramping up but multiple variants of SARS-CoV-2 gaining footholds across the US. In our final weekly report, we urge continued vigilance in reducing the spread of the virus, and direct readers on how to follow the course of the pandemic without us.
Federal COVID Data 101: Working with CMS Nursing Home Data
Here’s what we know about the only federal dataset on COVID-19 outcomes in long-term care facilities.
Where to Find Simple COVID-19 Data for the US
As The COVID Tracking Project approaches its final day of data compilation on March 7, 2021, we are recommending a selection of federal data sources to people who want a quick and easy way to keep an eye on the pandemic.
Good News Despite Data Wobbles: This Week in COVID-19 Data, Feb 25
Cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are still declining, though holiday reporting and winter storms have probably caused fluctuations in several metrics. We reiterate that deaths reported each day don’t represent people who died that day—and they may even include deaths that occurred several months ago. And now is the time to switch over to federal data sources, because The COVID Tracking Project has only a little over a week of data compilation left.
Federal COVID Data 101: Working with Death Numbers
The CDC provides two different datasets regarding COVID-19 fatalities. Here’s a walkthrough of how they compare to each other and to The COVID Tracking Project’s data.