As The COVID Tracking Project winds down and ceases daily data collection, we want to continue our ongoing public service mission and make sure that everyone who relies on our work understands how to use the existing federal numbers. Over the next several weeks, we’ll do that through a series of free Zoom trainings and a set of brief written explainers on how to find and work with federal COVID-19 data.
Anyone can sign up to attend these trainings. We especially welcome journalists, academics, researchers, epidemiologists, API users, and anyone who uses our data to attend and ask questions.
Free training schedule
Feb. 18 at 2pm ET: How to use federal COVID hospitalization and testing data
Feb. 25 at 2pm ET: How to use the CDC’s COVID case and death data
March 4 at 2pm ET: How to use federal COVID data on race and ethnicity and long-term-care facilities

Rachel Glickhouse is a New York-based journalist who works on project management and impact tracking at The COVID Tracking Project.
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Federal COVID Data 101: Working with Hospitalization Numbers
Here’s a walkthrough of the Department of Health and Human Services’ dataset and what you should know about it.