Measuring Our Impact at The COVID Tracking Project
Our largely volunteer-operated effort became a critical data source for journalists, scientists, academics and government officials.

Inconsistent Reporting Practices Hampered Our Ability to Analyze COVID-19 Data. Here Are Three Common Problems We Identified.
With little consistency in how states defined, published, and presented COVID-19 data, it is difficult to compare situations across states.

Releasing Our Annotations on State COVID-19 Current Hospitalizations Data
As part of our wind-down process, we are releasing a one-time snapshot of our research into states’ current hospitalization definitions.

How Not to Interpret COVID-19 Data
Beware of dating schemes, data dumps, weather events and other issues that can lead to mistakes that confuse the public.

The Decisions We Made
Looking back at what made The COVID Tracking Project work.

What We Know—and What We Don’t Know—About the Impact of the Pandemic on Our Most Vulnerable Community
Residents of nursing homes and other long-term-care facilities suffered an outsized impact from COVID-19. And yet we still don’t know how big of an impact, because so much data is missing or incomplete. What we do know makes plain that we failed to protect this community—and at great cost.